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www.velo-bionx.com |
performance using the most recent technologies Highest overall efficiency on the market Torqeedo motors convert the existing battery capacity up to twice as efficient into propulsion as conventional outboards.. Most advanced rechargeable battery systems Torqeedo uses lithium-manganese high
performance batteries - the safest of all lithium-based battery systems.
These possess an extremely high energy density, deliver high current, and
are safe and maintenance-free. Efficiency turned into power Torqeedo sets new standards in terms of power and effiency with the latest generation of highly-efficient electronically commutated torque motors.
The caracteristic Variable-Pitch-Variable-Camber (VPVC) propeller has been specially calculated for high-performance torque of Torqeedo Torque motors using methods of commercial navigation. It translates the power of the motors into propulsive power at the highest level of efficiency.
Highest level of convenience Simple maneuvring Torqeedo motors do not need idling speed and are extremely propulsive at low rotational speeds. Simple charging Torqeedo batteries can easy be charge using any socket High level of safety The Torqeedo motor program works in the save low-voltage range up to 42 V. For this reason, there is not danger of explosions or electical shocks. No maintenance Torqeedo motors are build in such a way that they require no maintenance.
Protects the natural environment No pollution of the water Torqeedo motors do not contaminate waters
with petrol or diesel oil. Clean Electric motors do not produce greenhouse
gasses or any form of pollutants such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide. Low noise emission While using a Torqeedo motor, you can hear
the wind and the waves.